If you would like to have Kathy speak to your group or organization, please contact Kathy directly at:

phone: 813-789-9580

email: [email protected]


CEO Space cruise

I'm excited and grateful about the opportunity I had to join my friend, Susan, on the CEO Space Cruise January 11-16th!  I had heard many wonderful things about CEO Space and it was great to spend time on a cruise getting to know many of the leaders and members.  I had an awesome time and [...]

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Week 5 Bonus – Hub Socializer Coaching Series

Week 5 was the Bonus week for the Hub Socializer Coaching Series that covered Self-Empowerment and Energy.  We discussed how everything is energy and what we speak, write, think and do sends out an energy signal.  This includes online and offline communication. Our thoughts and emotions create our reality and I shared more detail about [...]

Week 4 of Hub Socializer Coaching Series

Week 4 of the Hub Socializer coaching series was on driving traffic, affiliate marketing and joint ventures.  We discussed on-page SEO, off-page SEO and local search, in addition to affiliate marketing tools and the how to of joint ventures. The week 4 session pulled together all the Hubs and showed the inter-connectedness of the Qualified [...]

By |Internet Marketing, Marketing, social media, social networking, web|Comments Off